
In normal times, contemporary art galleries and museums are where you find me. This year, the pandemic put a stop to that. And while many galleries have made a valiant effort to show their art online, the experience is not quite the same. Which left me with a dilemma: what do I do now?

With New York City under lockdown with only wellness outings recommended, it was time to change course. See what artful views one can find within a few short blocks of my home. Luckily for me, my backyard is Central Park. And Mother Nature took care of spectacular views this spring.


At the beginning of the shutdown, the city stopped in its tracks. Streets empty of cars, the random pedestrian here and there… The pause happened overnight but as it stretched from one day to the next, something beautiful emerged. Central Park entered its blue period. With the traffic gone and the row boats stored away, the waters of the lake grew still, calm as a mirror, reflecting the beautiful bright blue skies above. From sapphire to cobalt to indigo, suddenly your eyes could not peel away from the stunning display.


New York City gets a fair amount of sunny days. This spring, however, we have also had a lot of rain and thunder storms. Perhaps even Nature herself is shaking her head in disbelief over the madness that has taken over our lives? The skies, bright blue a minute ago, suddenly turn dark and ominous right before they open. Fifteen minutes later, the sun comes out, painting the skies all kinds of amazing color. And if you’re lucky and live just a couple minutes away, you can capture their fleeting beauty.


As lockdown weeks roll on, the days get longer and warmer. The change in color is subtle at first, but, as if sensing that the city is finally seeing a bend in the curve, a flicker of hope, and a reopening, the bright greens are suddenly everywhere. Once again, the park is right there for it. Celebrating with you. Vibrancy makes a triumphant return.


And then there is summer. Long, hot days when the sun stays in the sky for hours. As it makes its way towards the horizon, and right before it disappears, the park changes colors once more. Light flicker on in distant apartment buildings, just like fireflies. The skies darken, streaked with pinks, reds and purples. The moments are fleeting but the views stay etched in your memory. Mother Nature sure knows how to paint.